The Financial Benefits of Digital Accessibility


When we consider the landscape of digital accessibility, many business leaders and web professionals grapple with the notion of cost. The perception of digital accessibility as a high-expense venture has led to a staggering reality: a mere 3% of the internet is accessible to people with disabilities. This statistic is all the more alarming given that 1.3 billion people live with a disability.

However, it’s time to rethink this perspective and perceive digital accessibility not as a financial hurdle but as an untapped goldmine. This post aims to unravel how investing in digital accessibility can magnify your website’s traffic and lead to significant cost savings. 

Buckle up as we navigate the myriad benefits that this overlooked aspect of digital strategy can bring.

Increased Website Use

A major benefit of digital accessibility is the potential for direct and indirect financial gains from increased website use. For instance, web accessibility can make it easier for people to find a website, access it, and use it successfully. As a result, you increase the site’s audience and usage. 

An increase in website audience can result from the following benefits of digital accessibility:

Extended Market Reach

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites by people with disabilities. But did you know that an accessible website has the potential to expand your customer base significantly?

According to the CDC, about 27% of adults in the United States live with a disability. That’s a significant part of the population, all of whom have the right to engage in the services that a business can provide. 

When you prioritize digital accessibility, you’re opening your business to millions of additional potential customers who could not engage with your online content. This not only benefits potential customers but also contributes to the growth of your business with an increase in sales.

By embracing this demographic, you are bound to witness a rise in customers, clients, or consumers. The extent of this increase hinges on your ability to cater to diverse levels of abilities and the reputation your company earns through its ethical business practices.

Improved SEO

A well-known fact in the digital world is that search engines favor websites that are accessible. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that are easy to navigate, have clear content, and offer an optimal user experience—things you improve when you make your website accessible. 

Google’s index is like a user with vision impairment and a billion friends. It relies on text to understand images and media content. Websites providing valid alternative text to images, audio, and videos make the site easier to find, increase its ranking, and get recommended. Many of the same principles for good SEO overlap with accessibility standards like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

When your site is accessible, it’s easier for search engines to index your content, making it more findable for users and potentially improving your organic search rankings. For instance, the radio program and podcast This American Life has an audience of around 2 million each week. By offering transcripts for each episode, they boosted their search traffic by 6.86%.

Improved User Experience

An accessible website provides a better user experience for all users, not just those with disabilities. There is a misconception in the business world that accessibility is only meant to accommodate users with disabilities, but that’s not entirely true.

According to a Forrester Research Economic Impact Study commissioned by Microsoft, 252 out of 319 companies agreed that inclusive software improved usability and customer experience. Features that make a site more accessible, such as straightforward navigation, easy-to-read text, and an intuitive layout, also make it more user-friendly. 

This improved user experience can increase customer satisfaction and retention. Customers who enjoy their experience on your site are more likely to return and recommend your services to others.

Enhanced Brand Reputation 

In our current economic landscape, reputation can go a long way, especially regarding how a company considers members of marginalized communities. Among these communities are people with disabilities. 

Being recognized as a business that takes digital accessibility seriously can help establish a strong and positive standing in the market. However, the influence of this reputation extends beyond just customers with disabilities.

Consumers who value principles of social justice will look to your company as an example of the positive change needed in society. With the increasing emphasis on accessibility, making this conscious stride is paramount.

Direct Cost Savings

Aside from the growth in site usage and customer base, many organizations realize direct cost savings from improving Web accessibility. Let’s dive into how digital accessibility can lead to immediate cost savings for your business.

Mitigating Legal Risks

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to make their websites accessible to people with disabilities. By ensuring your website is accessible, you could mitigate frivolous ADA lawsuits, hefty fines, and negative publicity.

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in lawsuits related to website accessibility. For example, in 2022 alone, there were 2,387 web accessibility lawsuits filed in Federal Court and California State Court under the Unruh Act. By investing in web accessibility, you reduce the risk of such legal repercussions.

Reduced Development and Maintenance Costs

While incorporating digital accessibility into your website will take time, it will result in cleaner and more efficient code. This can make the website faster and easier to maintain in the long run, saving you money on development resources. Here’s how:

  • Improved accessibility diminishes maintenance needs, resulting in lower staff costs for site maintenance.
  • Accessibility lowers the need for additional server resources. Reducing the need for other server resources and their associated costs.
  • Eliminates the need for creating multiple site versions as accessibility enables responsive content to work on various devices.
  • Reduces future expenses to adopt new technologies as accessibility utilizes cutting-edge web technologies and readiness for future advancements.

How to Make Your Business More Accessible

Making your business more accessible isn’t a one-time activity—it’s an ongoing commitment. Here are a few steps to get you started:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with WCAG: The first step toward improving web accessibility is understanding the WCAG guidelines. These guidelines provide the international standard for creating accessible web content.
  2. Conduct an Accessibility Audit: Hire a professional to audit your website for accessibility, or use an online tool to get an overview of the areas that need improvement.
  3. Create an Accessibility Plan: Based on your audit results, create a plan to address the accessibility gaps. This plan should be integrated into your overall website design and content strategy.
  4. Educate Your Team: Everyone involved in creating your website content—from writers and designers to developers—should understand web accessibility and its importance. Regular training sessions can ensure this.
  5. Regularly Test for Accessibility: Making your website accessible isn’t a one-and-done deal. Regular testing can ensure that all new content meets accessibility standards.

Remember, web accessibility is an ongoing commitment, not a one-time project. By dedicating time and resources to maintaining accessibility, you are investing in the growth of your business and ensuring a better user experience for all.

The Way Forward

Digital accessibility might seem like a high upfront cost, but the benefits far outweigh the initial investment. From expanding your market reach and enhancing your brand’s reputation to reducing development costs and mitigating legal risks, accessibility has proven financially beneficial. With the right approach and a commitment to inclusivity, your website can become a powerhouse for your business, accessible to all, and profitable in the long run. So make web accessibility a priority today and reap significant financial rewards tomorrow.

To learn more about how the ADA experts at 216digital can help build an ADA WCAG 2.1 compliance strategy to achieve ongoing, real-world accessibility on your terms, schedule an ADA Strategy Briefing.


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